Galion Newsletter – France

A works council had appointed an accounting firm within the framework of its right to demand explanations from management in the case of concerns about the company’s economic situation. The Court dismissed the employer’s application to annul the resolutions of the works council and ordered it, under threat of a periodic penalty, to provide the accounting firm with […]

Lionel ParairePartner, Galion

Advertising and personalized solicitation finally available to French lawyers

The “Consumer Act” was promulgated last march in France. The intent of this Act is to balance powers between consumers and professionals and provides for, among other things, the creation of a class action procedure as well as more effective measures against unfair clauses. A distinct provision of the Act specifically affects lawyers. Article 13 […]

Christian RothPartner, rothpartners

Galion joins IR as the exclusive Employment Law (Corporate) Member in France.

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Lionel Paraire of Galion. Lionel has joined IR as our exclusive Employment Law (Corporate) Member in France. Admitted to the Bar in 1997 and founder of Galion, Lionel Paraire has a DESS de Droit des Affaires and a Magistère-DJCE (Masters in […]

Lionel ParairePartner, Galion

SYC Consultants joins IR as the exclusive Business Advisory Services Member in France

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Serge Yablonsky of SYC Consultants. Serge has joined IR as our exclusive Business Advisory Services Member in France. French CPA and statutory auditor, CISA, CGEIT, CRISC, Serge founded the audit firm Moorestephens Syc in 1987 after a 9 years period with […]