CRA allows non-taxable reimbursement for computer equipment during COVID-19

By Aaron Swartzman The transition to a work-at-home environment during COVID-19 has resulted in increased expenses by individuals on computer equipment in order to properly fulfill their employment duties while at home. As such, employers may choose to reimburse their employees or provide their employees with allowances to acquire personal computer equipment. Under normal circumstances, a […]

Sandra L. SecordLitigation Group Partner, Torkin Manes LLP

COVID-19: sound OHS practices key to continued operations

In these uncertain times, only employers providing so-called “essential services” are allowed to operate. Identifying and implementing safe work practices to protect employees’ health and safety are now key to keeping these operations running. This requirement is highlighted by the fact that, since the outset of the pandemic, the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la […]

Richard ProvostPartner, Langlois Lawyers, LLP

Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on commercial leases: important clauses for parties to consider

As the world undergoes this unprecedented crisis, the ability of many companies to meet their contractual obligations is being compromised. The crisis is having a significant impact on the global economy and the real estate sector won’t be spared. Moreover, the impact of the crisis on tenants and landlords is likely to linger and worsen […]

Richard ProvostPartner, Langlois Lawyers, LLP

Proactivity and creativity in mergers and acquisitions during COVID-19: 5 key issues

Mergers and acquisitions were particularly active in Canada until the government response to COVID-19 disrupted transactional practices and led to a slowdown. Parties involved in M&A transactions must keep a watchful eye on the situation and be proactive about managing the accompanying risks at every stage in the process. In the current context, prudent risk […]

Richard ProvostPartner, Langlois Lawyers, LLP

The role of the board of directors in the context of COVID-19: how should corporate directors act?

Since the start of the unprecedented public health and economic crisis caused by COVID-191, directors may have felt tempted to intervene in the day-to-day management of the company or to step into a management role, especially if they are also shareholders. However, it is up to the crisis management committee—often made up of executive officers—to […]

Richard ProvostPartner, Langlois Lawyers, LLP

COVID-19: sound OHS practices key to continued operations

In these uncertain times, only employers providing so-called “essential services” are allowed to operate. Identifying and implementing safe work practices to protect employees’ health and safety are now key to keeping these operations running. This requirement is highlighted by the fact that, since the outset of the pandemic, the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la […]

Richard ProvostPartner, Langlois Lawyers, LLP

COVID-19 Resource Centre

At Torkin Manes, we are continuously monitoring changes in the COVID-19 pandemic and are preparing short, focused bulletins for our clients. Some or all of these bulletins may be of particular interest to you, your business, and your customers/stakeholders. Our firm has developed a COVID-19 Resource Centre to help keep you informed of the legal implications related […]

Sandra L. SecordLitigation Group Partner, Torkin Manes LLP

CCDC contracts over 20 working days of construction site closures

On March 23, 2020, the Premier of Quebec, François Legault, announced the complete shutdown of all non-essential businesses.1 This measure, which covered most construction sites, officially came into force on March 25, 2020.2 At the time of writing, the date for the resumption of construction activities remains uncertain, except for specific residential construction sites that […]

Richard ProvostPartner, Langlois Lawyers, LLP

What You Need to Know About the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy

By Ted Citrome and Aaron Swartzman On Saturday April 11th, Parliament passed the Federal government’s wage subsidy legislation, formally known as COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, No. 2 (the “Act”), to enact the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (“CEWS”). The Act introduces additional details since Prime Minister Trudeau last announced changes to the CEWS.  Of particular note, the group of employers who qualify for […]

Ted CitromePartner, Torkin Manes LLP

TSX Venture Exchange Provides Relief to Issuers in Wake of COVID-19

On April 8, 2020, the TSX Venture Exchange (the “Exchange”) released a bulletin announcing that it was providing temporary relief from its minimum pricing guidelines for issuers in wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, reducing the minimum share issuance price from $0.05 to $0.01 in certain circumstances. The temporary relief went into effect immediately. This bulletin […]

Sandra L. SecordLitigation Group Partner, Torkin Manes LLP

Relief from the Regulators – Shareholder Meetings during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Monday, April 13, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented regulatory compliance challenges for corporations, especially with respect to shareholder meetings. In light of these challenges, regulators have granted relief in certain circumstances to enable corporations to comply with their regulatory obligations without compromising their obligations to promote and adhere to social distancing measures that […]

Troy PocaluykoPartner, Wildeboer Dellelce LLP