Coronavirus (COVID-19): Legal Impacts on Business Agreements

What would be the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on business agreements governed by Brazilian law? The Brazilian Civil Code contains some provisions that could be in theory invoked in the current context. But for such purpose we must ask: Would the pandemic be an “act of God” or “force majeure” event? Would it be […]

Adriano ChavesPartner, CGM Advogados

Validity Of Individual Agreements, Without The Labor Unions Participation, Is Ensured By The Supreme Court

Author Angelo Roni F. Gomes Individual agreements with immediate effect shall not be overridden by Unions The Supreme Court voted 7 – 3, last Friday, 17th, on a decision contrary to what had been determined by Minister Ricardo Levandowski in a preliminary decision by means of a direct action on unconstitutionality (ADI 6363). The endorsement of […]

Cristiano CarrionPartner, CARRION ADVOGADOS

Transfer Pricing

Introduction From the outset, Brazil’s transfer pricing rules, which took effect on 1 January 1997, have been very controversial. Contrary to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines, the transfer pricing rules introduced by Brazil’s do not adopt the internationally accepted arm’s-length principle. Instead, Brazil’s transfer pricing rules define maximum price ceilings for […]

Jonathan Mazon features in the IR Global & ACC collaboration Publication “A Jurisdictional Guide of how to Manage Risk in Multinationals”

QUESTION ONE – When representing a client with significant business activities in foreign jurisdictions, what are some key risk-related concerns that arise in a cross-border context and how can a parent company minimise such risk? Whenever a client conducts business in multiple jurisdictions it is important to understand the types of risk that prevail in […]

Jonathan MazonPartner, Junqueira le Advogados

IR Global Member Meeting – Neil Montgomery visits Noreen Weiss & Thomas M. Lancia

Neil Montgomery of Montgomery & Associados recently met with Noreen Weiss of MacDonald Weiss PLLC and Thomas M. Lancia of THOMAS M. LANCIA PLLC. Neil is IR Global’s exclusive Commercial Law member in Brazil, Noreen is IR Global’s Commercial Law member in US-New York and Tom is IR Global’s exclusive Employment Law (Corporate) member in […]

Neil MontgomeryPartner, Montgomery & Associados

Foreign Investment Advisors May Provide Services In Brazil

It is known that Brazil is interested in becoming a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and one of the steps for this is the adhesion to the OECD Codes of Liberalisation of Capital Movements and of Current Invisible Operations. In this regard, in early February 2020 the Brazilian Securities Commission […]

Ricardo dos Santos de Almeida VieiraPartner, Barcellos Tucunduva Advogados