Hapner Kroetz Advogados joins IR as the exclusive Commercial Litigation Member in Brazil

 International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Tarcísio Araújo Kroetz of Hapner Kroetz Advogados. Tarcísio has joined IR as our exclusive Commercial Litigation Member in Brazil. Tarcísio Araújo Kroetz is a name and founding partner of the practice. He advises Brazilian and foreign companies in a wide variety […]

Hapner Kroetz Advogados joins IR as the exclusive Commercial Litigation Member in Brazil

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Carlos Eduardo Manfredini Hapner of Hapner Kroetz Advogados. Carlos has joined IR as our exclusive Commercial Litigation Member in Brazil. Mr. Hapner represents national and international corporations of various sectors in all areas of civil law. He provides legal advice in […]

Hapner Kroetz Advogados joins IR as the exclusive Commercial Litigation Member in Brazil

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Rodrigo Costenaro Cavali of Hapner Kroetz Advogados. Rodrigo has joined IR as our exclusive Commercial Litigation Member in Brazil. Mr. Cavali has litigated in corporate and commercial issues. He handles corporate cases, specifically those related to foreign investment, contracts and corporate […]

CARRION ADVOGADOS joins IR as the exclusive Insolvency Member in Brazil

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Cristiano Carrion of CARRION ADVOGADOS. Cristiano has joined IR as our exclusive Insolvency member in Brazil. Cristiano is a corporate and business law practioner with extensive in-house legal experience. He places a high premium on providing pre-emptive legal support in Portuguese or English focusing on […]

Cristiano CarrionPartner, CARRION ADVOGADOS

Corporate Social Responsibility; Montgomery & Associados is honoured to be able to represent ABC Trust in Brazil.

ABC Trust Action for Brazil’s Children Trust (ABC Trust) is a registered charity in Brazil and the UK, dedicated to helping street children and the most vulnerable young people of Brazil. Everything we do is in partnership with local grassroots projects in Brazil’s largest cities. ABC Trust’s aim is to help structure and grow these […]

Neil MontgomeryPartner, Montgomery & Associados

AIIB may speed up lending approvals

The new China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is considering giving senior staff more power over loan approval than at existing multilateral lenders to speed up the decision process, officials familiar with the talks said. Under proposals to be discussed this week in Singapore, the board of directors, which represents member countries, would not sit at […]

Securitization in Luxembourg

By “securitisation” is meant the operation by which a securitisation vehicle acquires or takes on risks linked to loans, goods or liabilities accepted by a third party by issuing transferable securities the value or yield of which is dependent on these risks. Practically speaking, a securitisation operation consists of bringing together a group of assets […]

RSM Acal joins IR as the exclusive Business Advisory Services Member in Brazil

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Cicero Alencar of RSM Acal. Cicero has joined IR as our exclusive Business Advisory Services member in Brazil. Cicero Alencar is the founder partner of RSM Brasil and graduated as Bachelor on Accounting in 1976, with CPA registration before CVM. They are a company known […]

RSM Acal joins IR as the exclusive Business Advisory Services Member in Brazil

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Carlos Gerhard of RSM Acal. Carlos has joined IR as our exclusive Business Advisory Services member in Brazil. Carlos Gerhard is one of the partners of RSM ACAL and graduated as Bachelor on Accounting in 2000. He is currently responsible for the outsourcing division at RSM […]