New Rules Regarding Angel Investors Become Effective in Brazil

On January 1st, 2017, rules applicable to investments made on “micro-enterprises” (companies with annual gross revenue lower than R$360,000.00) and “small-enterprises” (companies with annual gross revenue lower than R$4,800,000.00) by angel-investors, became effective for the first time in our country’s legal system, through Supplementary Law # 155 dated as of October 27th, 2016 (Sections 61-A, […]

Public Traded Companies in Foreign Markets, Investigated for Corruption in Brazil, Can Be Sued in These Jurisdictions by Investors

Since March of 2014, when Brazilian authorities uncovered “Operation Carwash”, dozens of executives and companies have been investigated and found guilty in Brazil, including Brazilian companies with American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) traded in the New York Stock Exchange or Over-the-Counter (OTC) markets in the United States and foreign companies publicly traded in other jurisdictions. Companies […]

Indication of the “benefical owner” at the Corporate Taxpayer’s Registry (CNPJ) becomes mandatory

Following a global trend of combating tax evasion, foreign currency drain and money laundering, as well as complying with the foreign treaties entered into for such purposes (such as the adherence to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), to the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters and the BEPS – Base Erosion and Profit […]

Increase in the threshold offoreign equity holding in Brazilian Airline Companies

Yesterday, July 25th 2016, Vice-President Michel Temer, who is currently acting as President, sanctioned Law No. 13,319, which revokes the increases in foreign equity holding by foreigners in Brazilian airline companies brought by Provisional Measure No. 714, of March 1st 2016. The main change introduced by such Provisional Measure was the increase, from 20% to […]

Neil MontgomeryPartner, Montgomery & Associados

Brazilian Federal Tax Authority clarifies rules related to the taxation of airport ground handling services

On June 17th 2016, the Brazilian Federal Tax Authority issued COSIT Ruling No. 78/2016 clarifying the tax withholdings applicable to airport ground handling services rendered to airline companies, so as to provide a clear understanding on the nature of such services for tax purposes. The Ruling consolidated the understanding that airport ground handling services must […]

Neil MontgomeryPartner, Montgomery & Associados

Brazilian government is narrowing the field to non-declared assets and resources maintained abroad by Brazilian residents

Following a global trend of tax evasion, foreign currency drain and money laundering fighting, as well as complying with the foreign treaties entered into for such purposes, the Brazilian government has enacted this year a pack of rules aiming at combating the crimes referred to herein above. The first rule was published in January of […]

Ferraz de Camargo and Bugelli Lawyers joins IR as the exclusive Commercial Arbitration member in Brazil

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Paulo Sergio Ferraz de Camargo of Ferraz de Camargo and Bugelli Lawyers. Paulo has joined IR as our exclusive Commercial Arbitration member in Brazil. Ferraz de Camargo and Bugelli Lawyers aims to bring to market a new way to practice law. The […]

Paulo Sergio Ferraz de CamargoPartner, Ferraz de Camargo Advogados

Brazilian Government demands greater transparency from companies, including information on ultimate beneficiary owners

The Brazilian Federal Tax Authority issued Normative Ruling 1,634 on 6th May 2016, which introduced new obligations for companies registered with the Federal Corporate Taxpayer’s Registry – CNPJ. Among such obligations is that of informing who their ultimate beneficiary owners are. This obligation is applicable to Brazilian and foreign companies alike, and certain documents must […]

Neil MontgomeryPartner, Montgomery & Associados