Real Estate & Energy – Wind Farms – Eolic Power Plants in Brazil – An opportunity to explore

At the end of her administration, former President Rousseff said in one of her addresses to the United Nations that it would be necessary to develop a technology to “stock wind”. Despite any political view or judgment regarding her competence as a Chief of State and besides her unintelligent manner of speech, unwillingly she brought […]

Cristiano CarrionPartner, CARRION ADVOGADOS

CGM Advogados joins IR as the exclusive Corporate Law Member in Brazil

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Adriano Raposo do Amaral Pinto Chaves of CGM Advogados. Adriano has joined IR as our exclusive Corporate Law Member in Brazil. CGM was founded in September 2014 by an experienced group of partners who had already worked together for more than two decades, and […]

Adriano ChavesPartner, CGM Advogados

CGM Advogados joins IR as the exclusive Corporate Law Member in Brazil

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Martim Machado of CGM Advogados. Martim has joined IR as our exclusive Corporate Law Member in Brazil. CGM was founded in September 2014 by an experienced group of partners who had already worked together for more than two decades, and were joined by other partners […]

Martim MachadoPartner, CGM Advogados

Map Auditoria joins IR as the exclusive Audit & Assurance Services Member in Brazil

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Marco Antonio Papini of Map Auditoria. Marco has joined IR as our exclusive Audit & Assurance Services Member in Brazil. “Why MAP? Founded in 1998, MAP Independent Auditors operates projects in the areas of audit and consulting on the lines of tax, tax services, management processes […]

In occasion of the Family Rights team recent arrival to Guarnera Advogados, we present the following news: STF equates spouses and partners for inheritance purposes

In May 2017 the STF (Supreme Court) concluded the trial of two special appeals on the right of partners in the succession of their peers, being one of the process regarding a hetero-affective relationship and the other one regarding a homo-affective relationship. Until the trial of these two appeals, there was a disparity between the […]

Reserve of Domain in Brazil

The purchase and sale with reservati dominii clause, regulated by the Brazilian Civil Code in its articles 521 to 528, constitutes an effective warranty for payment in instalments of the price of movable and non-fungible assets, provided that the reserve of domain is stipulated in writing directly between the buyer and the seller. According to the local […]

It is already in force the new deadline for performing the regularization of non-declared Brazilian funds located abroad

In the last March 31st, the President Michel Temer has sanctioned the Law nº 13.428/2017, which deliberates on the deadline’s reopening for adhesion to the Tax and Cambial Regularization’s Special Regime. In the same day of the presidential sanction, the Federal Revenue has regulated the matter by means of the Normative Ruling nº 1.704.  Therefore, […]