Temporary Visa within the Non-Resident Visa category for U.S.A. citizens

In order to strengthen friendship and mutual cooperation ties between the Governments of the Republic of Panama and the United States of America, the Panamanian Government, by Executive Decree No. 181 of 2019, has created a Temporary Visa within the Non-Resident Visa category for those citizens of the United States of America who wish to […]

Julio A. Quijano B.Partner, Quijano & Associates

Reissuance of Permanent Residence Permit in Panama

The National Migration Service of the Republic of Panama has resolved as per Resolution 17405 of August 29th, 2019, that all foreigners who have remained outside the national territory for a period between two (2) to six (6) years, may request the Rehabilitation of their Permanent Residence Permit; counting a term of thirty (30) business […]

Julio A. Quijano B.Partner, Quijano & Associates

The Superintendence of the Securities Market of Panama has a new simplified Registration Procedure for Securities of Recurrent Issuers

Oliver Muñoz Esquivel | Partner The Official Gazette No. 28,848 of the 28th of August, 2019 enacted the new simplified procedure adopted by the Superintendence of the Securities Market (SMV) for the registration of securities issued by entities that acquire the status of “recurrent registered issuer” under its Regulation 1-2019 of the 7th of August, 2019. 1- […]

Julio A. Quijano B.Partner, Quijano & Associates

Quijano & Associates advises on the issue of bonds by Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica, S.A. (ETESA) up to US$ 300 million.

Quijano & Associates rendered legal advice in the issue of corporate bonds by Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica, S.A. (ETESA) for a total of US$300 million, and the listing thereof in Panama Stock Exchange. Prival Bank, S.A. acted as structurer of the issuance and is the bonds’ payment, register and transfer agent. Prival Securities, Inc. is the […]

Julio A. Quijano B.Partner, Quijano & Associates

Quijano & Associates joins IR as the exclusive Corporate Law Member in Belize and Panama.

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Julio A. Quijano B. of Quijano & Associates. Julio has joined IR as our exclusive Corporate Law Member in Belize and Panama. From its foundation, Quijano & Associates has been a leader in this field, being the first Panamanian law firm […]

Julio A. Quijano B.Partner, Quijano & Associates

Atlantic International Corp. Services Ltd joins IR as the exclusive Offshore Services Member in Belize

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Atlantic International Corp. Services Ltd Atlantic International Corp. Services Ltd. was established in 1999 to offer the service of forming and maintaining Belize International Business Companies (Belize IBC’s).  However, with Belize becoming one of the fastest growing international jurisdictions in the world, […]

Securitization in Luxembourg

By “securitisation” is meant the operation by which a securitisation vehicle acquires or takes on risks linked to loans, goods or liabilities accepted by a third party by issuing transferable securities the value or yield of which is dependent on these risks. Practically speaking, a securitisation operation consists of bringing together a group of assets […]