Electronic invoicing

On July 22, 2010, an European directive[1] to enable electronic invoicing was adopted. In 2012, this directive has been transposed in Belgian legislation by means of the “Wet tot wijziging van de belasting over de toegevoegde waarde”[2]. (known as the “Wetboek belasting over de toegevoegde waarde”, which translates to Value Added Tax Code  hereafter referred […]

Joost PeetersPartner, STUDIO | LEGALE

The new UBO-register

A centralized register of ultimate beneficial owners, called “UBO Register”, has been created under the Federal Public Service Finance (a.k.a. the tax administration). As from 31 October 2018, all companies, trusts, foundations and non-profit organizations have the obligation to keep an accurate and up-to-date information on all their beneficial owners(shareholders, holders of voting rights,…) and the individuals […]

Stéphane BertouillePartner, Everest Law

Kegels & Co Partner Dirk Noels launches a completely updated book about the intermediaries under Belgian transport law.

  In his new book, Kegels & Co Partner Dirk Noels examines the different aspects of the legal position under Belgian law of the freight forwarder, the customs representative, the ship’s agent, the ship’s broker, the stevedore/nation and the ship and cargo consignor. It is an in-depth legal analysis, supported and substantiated by an enormous […]

Dirk NoelsPartner, Kegels & Co Advocaten

Termination Clauses Validly Concluded Before 1 January 2014 are Enforceable for High-Earning Employees

In a recent milestone judgment, the Belgian Constitutional Court has ruled that a termination clause validly entered into with a ‘high-earning’ employee before 1 January 2014 must be taken into account when calculating ‘step 1’ of the notice period (i.e. the part relating to the seniority until 31/12/2013). With its judgment, the Court has settled […]

Lieven PeetersPartner, ALTIUS

Belgian Law of 30th July 2018 on the protection of trade secrets: workers, beware!?

1.- Last August  24th,  the law of 30th July on the protection of trade secrets entered into force. This law transposes into Belgian Law the directive (EU) 2016/943 of the European parliament and of the council of 8 June 2016 on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition. […]

Pierre DegouisPartner, GDD Avocats