Jacob Stein of Aliant LLP hosts the IR Global Tax Group Virtual Call

Jacob SteinManaging Partner, Aliant LLP

Jacob Stein of Aliant LLP hosted the IR Global Tax Group Virtual Call yesterday which was a great success. Twelve members took part in the call which gave everyone a chance to present themselves and discuss the lockdown and its impact on a personal level.

Jacob had the following to say about the call: “Thank you everyone who joined the call. It was great to catch up. We will schedule another call in a couple weeks and will do a deeper dive into our practices and the kind of work we do for our clients. Stay tuned.”


Pictured above: Luis Ortiz Hidalgo, Jacob Stein, Stefan Drawetz, James Schmidt, Esq., Sébastien Watelet, Diego A. Embon, Menna Bowen, Jan Christian Brewer, Dirk Andreae-Nehlsen, Stefan Geluyckens, Victor Borges Polizelli, Christian Cacere.

Thank you to Jacob for arranging this. If you are hosting your own IR Global virtual event, please remember to take a screenshot and share this with your Client Manager!