It is already in force the new deadline for performing the regularization of non-declared Brazilian funds located abroad

In the last March 31st, the President Michel Temer has sanctioned the Law nº 13.428/2017, which deliberates on the deadline’s reopening for adhesion to the Tax and Cambial Regularization’s Special Regime.

In the same day of the presidential sanction, the Federal Revenue has regulated the matter by means of the Normative Ruling nº 1.704. 

Therefore, from April 3rd, 2017 it is already in force the new opportunity of adhesion to the Regime that will have a shorter term this time, being in force only until July 31st, 2017. Thus, the persons who are interested in adhering to the mentioned Regime have to hurry to organize their documents and necessary information.    

The “new repatriation” shall have as basis the assets’ situation in June 30th, 2016, when the dollar’s exchange rate was 3,2098. The total rate shall be on 35,25%, considering the tax rate of 15% and the fine of 20,25%.

The payment of the taxes and fines guarantee the penal amnesty to the crimes listed in the law, exactly in the same terms of the previous regularization.

Politicians and their relatives remain prohibited to adhere to the regularization.

This is a new opportunity of regularization for the ones who have not adhered to the first normative, as well as for all the persons who have performed irregular operations on the period comprehended between January 1st, 2015 and June 30th, 2016.

The contributors who have adhered to the first round of the regularization will be able to supplement it through a new declaration, obeying the new tax rates and deadlines.

Our office have had the opportunity to assist more than one hundred clients in the adhesion to the regularization regime that was in force in the last year, providing besides the necessary fiscal consulting, assistance in operations involving corporate, international law and family and succession aspects related to the possession of good and right located overseas.  

We are at your disposal for further clarifications on this subject.