Is Britain an attractive place to do business?

Chris DowningDirector, Inspire Professional Services Ltd

In the last 6 months where the pound has fallen against the dollar we have been involved in a number of transactions where US businesses are looking to acquire a UK presence and buy a UK business.

In early February, myself and Helen, who heads up Corporate Finance function at Inspire, spent a couple of days with our contacts from overseas at a conference in Barcelona, focusing on Mergers and Acquisition activities around the world.

IR global conf 17

There was a sense that now the Brexit vote is old news, people are seeing the value of the pound as an opportunity for investing in the UK.

There are also countries looking to do business with the UK who would welcome UK goods being exported to them.


No business is too small to consider exporting.

If you have a unique product, do not limit the market you are selling to – go and grab the opportunity.

If you want to expand into a certain country and aren’t sure of the customs/laws and obligations of doing it, Inspire will likely have a personal contact in that country who can help.

This has already helped clients expand into the US and mainland Europe.

The event was hosted by IR Global, an international network of lawyers and accountants.

Inspire is an IR Global member to assist Entrepreneurs trade overseas and grow their businesses.

Read my last blog when I attended the ‘On the Road’ conference in San Francisco which focused on business development and how difference countries could provide opportunities for others.

If you are thinking about trading overseas, come and talk to us!



Chris Downing – Director