IR Global Member Meeting – Dave Sheppard visits Nicholas V. Chen & Juan Carlos Madrigal

Nicholas V. ChenPartner, Pamir Law Group

Dave Sheppard of Medworld Advisors recently met Nicholas V. Chen & Juan Carlos Madrigal of Pamir Law Group in Taipei, Taiwan. Dave is IR Global’s exclusive Business Advisory Services member in US-Massachusets, whilst Nicholas & Juan are IR Global’s exclusive Mergers & Acquisitions and Anti-Corruption members in China & Taiwan.

Nicholas had the following to say: “Welcoming visit from Dave Sheppard from MedWorld, our IR Global Partner, to full-day meetings in Taipei. Working Lunch at Grand Hotel’s Golden Dragon Pavillion”. 

Nick Chen & Dave SheppardNick Chen, Dave Sheppard, Carlos Madrigal

If you are travelling and would like the opportunity to meet fellow IR members, please reach out to your Client Managers (Liam ShewringCharlotte WeedsLauren Morgan) who will be able to help facilitate an introduction.

We appreciate it when members send photos of their trips, so if you have any you would like to share then please share them with the respective Client Managers above. 

Contributing Advisors

Juan Carlos MadrigalConsultant, Pamir Law Group

Dave SheppardPrincipal, MedWorld Advisors