International Referral the global network of business figures, is delighted to introduce Karl Horsburgh of International Audit Services S.àr.l. (IAS). Karl has joined the Accountancy network; as our exclusive Offshore Services member in Luxembourg.
After receiving a BA Honours Degree in Economics and Accounting in 1979, Karl trained as a Chartered Accountant in the United Kingdom and qualified in 1983. The same year he moved to Luxembourg to work for a Fiduciaire before joining Deloitte, Haskins & Sells in 1985. In 1989 Deloitte merged with KPMG and Karl was appointed as a tax partner. He specialised in international tax planning and financial engineering for multinational clients.
In 1993 Karl created Horsburgh & Co. The firm expanded to 20 people and two partners and in 2008 was restructured into HT Group which consisted of Company and Accounting Services, to provide company formation, administration, corporate and VAT tax compliance and accounting services and Tax an Salary Services providing personal tax and salary administration services both supervised by the Ordre des Expert Comptables (OECL) . Also part of the group was International Audit Services (IAS) which provided company audit services as a Réviseur d’Entreprises Agrées as a member of the Institute des Réviseur d’Entreprises (IRE) and supervised by the Luxembourg Financial Supervisory Authority (CSSF)
In 2012, HT Group was taken over by the OIL/Vistra Group. Karl, as Managing director of IAS continues as a Réviseur d’Entreprises Agrées to provide company audits and international tax planning and financial engineering for corporations and HNWI which leads to the creation of corporate structures and investment vehicles based in Luxembourg and other European and other interesting jurisdictions.
International Audit Services S.àr.l. (IAS) offers clients a Luxembourg authorised qualified auditing and assurance service.
AUDIT means for us that we are:
Authorised and approved by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financiére (CSSF) as a Cabinet de Révision Agrées (CRA) , the Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprises (IRE) in Luxembourg and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). IAS is managed by Karl Horsburgh who himself is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (FCA) and a Réviseur d’Entreprises Agrées (REA) with over 30 years’ experience in auditing, taxation and accounting. As such, IAS prides itself at providing an;
Uncomplicated audit service performed by staff who can converse with clients in their language of choice to plan and perform our audit, discuss with the client, issue a management letter and advise our clients in such languages as English, French, German, Polish, Dutch, Luxembourgish and Urdu. We are;
Dedicated to our profession to provide the highest quality service with added value and advice to our international and multinational clientele in whatever sector of the economy that they are active in. We use;
International audit standards as our guiding principles for the audit of those entities that are required by law to have a qualified, authorised auditor to perform an annual audit and to issue an opinion to the shareholders of those entities to be included in their published financial statements and presented at their annual general meeting. The companies that are required to have an audit by a REA or CRA are: A) Those that exceed certain European Union limits. B) Companies, whatever the size and the legal form, operating in the Financial Sector under the supervision of the CSSF including Banks, SICAV, SIF, SICAR Securitisation companies and pension savings companies with variable capital (sociétés d’épargne-pension à capital variable – SEPCAVs) and C) Companies, whatever the size and the legal form that fall under the supervision of the Commissariat aux Assurance (CAA) including Insurance and Reassurance companies. We undertake to be;
Timely in providing our service. We use experienced staff to work together with the client’s financial staff and management to be as efficient with the clients’ as with our time and therefore to be able to offer the most value-for-money fee possible.
If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Karl directly or with the International Referral head office for an introduction.
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