International Construction Law Consultancy Granted ABS Licence by SRA to Practice as Law Firm in England and Wales

In March 2014 Exarchou and Rosenberg International will become an alternative business structure (ABS) and transfer its head office operations to its London office. The aim is to develop its presence in London in order to promote its ability to service clients in the UK as well as take advantage of the esteem in which English law firms are held elsewhere in the world.

Exarchou & Rosenberg International currently has offices in Cyprus, Athens, London, and Oman and undertakes high-value construction work relating to major projects worldwide in particular the Middle East and North Africa. The firm is involved in a variety of legal work ranging from construction, energy and corporate law to corporate and project finance.

The firm, which will be known as Exarchou and Rosenberg International LLP, has two directors, George Rosenberg and Alexandros Exarchou. George Rosenberg qualified as a barrister and solicitor and in New Zealand and has experience of working in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, France and Greece with clients throughout Europe, Asia and Africa. In addition to his legal qualifications, fellow director, Alexandros Exarchou, has a PhD in international tax planning. His experience covers Europe, the Far East and the Middle East.

The firm has 13 lawyers and consultants in total, including Greek and Australian qualified lawyers as well as eight English-qualified solicitors and one barrister. A number of the lawyers have experience of working in both civil and common law jurisdictions giving them a unique insight while working on international projects.

The firm has recently recruited senior lawyers to help develop their London presence all of whom have either worked in-house or for City law firms and have extensive experience of working on UK domestic as well as international projects.

“In addition to having been able to attract experienced respected lawyers to help us develop our London office, the fact that we have been granted a licence by the SRA recognises our reputation and will enable us to provide a full range of services to our clients, applying the high standards mandated by the Authority,” said Mr Rosenberg.
