Inspire’s Pre-Budget Update

Chris DowningDirector, Inspire Professional Services Ltd

The traditional 2015 UK Budget will be held on Wednesday 18th March. Some commentators have called this the most important budget Osborne will deliver, coming just two months ahead of the next election.

However, here at Inspire we predict that this event will be more about political posturing. Whilst it will contain information about the policies for the years to come, the current office holders may no longer be there in a few weeks to put those policies in to action.  Accordingly we are going to put our necks out and suggest that there will be a second 2015 budget before September 2015.

If the Tory party win, can you see them keeping the Liberal policies? Can you see Labour happy to run with a Tory-Liberal budget for a year…neither can we!

This is the reason why we predict that the new government (assuming we don’t get another con-lib coalition!) will hold another Budget following the May general election.

Therefore we will not be hosting our usual post-budget forum in March and will keep our powder dry for the second budget. Well you would expect us to think and act differently at Inspire!

Therefore look out for your inviations once the date of the ‘next budget’ is announced.

We will still be live tweeting throughout so be sure to follow us @inspireacc

You will also receive the usual Inspire email summary of Wednesday’s budget (well it wouldn’t be budget day without it). 

Stay tuned to find out if we end up with egg on our face with our confident prediction of a second budget! 

To recieve our email updates or forum invitations contact us: [email protected]  
