INSPIRE News – March 2014 – Tax (Accountants) in England.

Welcome to the March edition of our Inspire newsletter.  It’s been a busy end to the winter for us this February, and we hope you’ve had an equally busy month.

February’s Business Forum was a particular highlight, with over 100 local business people in attendance, and afantastic speaker in Rich Watts.  He presented a very applicable and engaging talk, suggesting ways through which business leaders can improve their public speaking skills.  He also provided a useful little sheet of hints and tips which can be found on our website.

Looking forward into March, the 2014 Budget Speech is scheduled for Wednesday 19.  Look out for ouressential summary of the Chancellor’s key points which we’ll be publishing later that same day.

With just over 2 months left to go before the end of the 2013/14 tax year now’s the time to make sure annual reliefs, exemptions and tax rates have been fully used.  A large part of this newsletter is dedicated to various points you could think about to mitigate your tax liability.

Until then, I hope you find the updates in this newsletter useful, and don’t hesitate to get in contact if there’s any issues you would like further information or advice on.

Best wishes
Ian Govier
