Inspire Celebrate Launching of the New London Office!

On the 1st July, Inspire opened a new office in London, and in an enthusiastic start to the new year, they organised a celebratory drinks party on the 9th January to officially launch this new venture.  The event marks a successful first six-months at the London Office and gave London-based clients and contacts an opportunity to meet and get to know the Inspire team.  Ian Govier, one of Inspire’s Directors, commented “The launch was a great event, and it was fantastic to see so many familiar faces there, as well as the new ones.  We’re really pleased that our new office is going strong, and we’re looking forward to see how it develops in 2014.”


The office is conveniently central, located within the vibrant Covent Garden area of the city, and further enhances Inspire’s corporate finance and international tax advisory offering.  Managing Director, Warren Munson, says: “In recent years we have assisted a series of businesses seeking to expand overseas and also helped others bring their wealth back to the UK. Opening a London office gives us access to wider markets and contacts to further facilitate these operations.”
