Indonesia Ranked in the World’s Top 10 safest Emerging markets in 2016

A Report by CNN has ranked Kenya among the top eight emerging markets that investors should not be scared of in 2016.Below is the list of Top 8 safest Emerging markets of 2016.

8 Emerging Markets That Investors should not be scared of In 2016

1 India

2 Kenya

3 Vietnam

4 Chile

5 Colombia

6 Mexico

7 Indonesia

8 Peru

The falling price of oil has left oil dependent economies vulnerable and many other factors have also thrown the markets into a very dangerous position.

CNN notes ‘Kenya grew 6.5% last year and is forecast to grow 6.8% this year. The country is enjoying a tech boom and has benefited from low oil prices.

Unlike many other emerging markets, Kenya doesn’t need to worry much about slowing growth in China because of its limited exposure to the country.’

