Impacts of the new Law on Tenders and Contracts for the Celca event

Clara Passi
Bill 6814/17, which replaces the current Law on Bids (8,666 / 93) and modernizes the rules on contracts signed by public administration bodies, was the motto of the debate held on Tuesday morning , by the Special Committee on Bids and Administrative Contracts of OAB / RJ, at the entity’s headquarters. The panel was composed of the president of Celca, Paula Pincelli Tavares Vivacqua, members Glauber de Brittes Pereira and Bernardo Pedrete and the chairman of the Arbitration Commission, Joaquim Muniz.

The impacts of PL on the rules of the trading floor, the lack of capacity of the server that today acts as a crier, the relationship with insurers and the gap between theory and reality were some of the points raised in the meeting, which had active participation of the audience. 

The acquisitions of public power add up to billions of reais per year, so the measures to prevent deviations have been part of the agenda. The lawyers approached the creation of the National Portal of Public Procurement (PNCP), one of the novelties of the new law, which should be established by the federal Executive and adopted by all the powers of all entities (Union, states and municipalities); the impact of Operation Lava-Jet, compliance  standards  and the gap between theory and reality.

“Celca wanted to start the analysis of the PL so we can begin to reflect on the repercussion that this new law will bring to the market as a whole, as domestic and foreign companies participate in bidding processes,” said Vivacqua. 

Pereira criticized what he called the Brazilian’s vice of thinking that the law would be a panacea and spoke about his experience in analyzing hiring of the National Cancer Institute.