Bisi AdeyemiManaging Director, DCSL Corporate Services Limited

Do you know you can travel to Nigeria without going through the hassle of obtaining a visa from the Nigerian Embassy at your home or country of residence?


In furtherance to the Government’s initiative to streamline the ease of doing business in Nigeria and to guarantee easy entry to genuine business visitors into Nigeria, the Immigration Act 2015 allows persons seeking business opportunities in Nigeria or invited to Nigeria to attend business meetings, conferences and symposia to travel to Nigeria without the regular business visa procured at the various Nigerian embassies abroad.

Section 20(7) of the Immigration Act allows the Comptroller General of Immigration to authorize the issuance of a Short Visit Visa at the port of entry to frequent travel business persons of international repute, executive Directors of companies, members of government delegation, members of international organizations and holders of any official travel document of other recognized international organizations, who are on short visits to Nigeria. This Short visit visa, also known as visa on arrival, allows business persons who wish to visit Nigeria at short notice entry into the Country with the approval of the Comptroller General of Immigration.

At DCSL, we are able to assist prospective travelers to Nigeria, business persons and members of internationally recognized organizations to obtain the approval of the Comptroller General of Immigration prior to their visit to Nigeria at very short notice. We would assist with the collation of relevant documents and process the requisite approvals from the Nigerian Immigration Service within 48 hours. We shall also provide assistance at the Port of arrival in Nigeria to ensure hitch free entry.