How To Make The Most Your Visit To Our Annual London Conference Using Social Media

IR - International Referral


Tips before the event: 

  • Any content you may use for example photos/videos, be sure to tweet/post with the hashtag #IRLondon2015 – this way the IR Social Media team can track the hashtag and respost/retweet accordingly
  • Follow us on Twitter. Twitter will be the main platform any live updates during the event.  You may want to announce your excitement for attending the event – be sure to @ mention our Twitter handle (@ir_global). Again, our social media team can track this.

Tips during the event:

  • Use the hashtag during the conference #IRLondon2015
  • Take photos/videos tweet them out.
  • Having a drink with other members? Take a photo to share the moment – ask for their Twitter handle and LinkedIn page so that you can connect with them there and then.
  • Speak with our social media team during the conference to gain insights of your current online and social media presence. 

Here are some things you can do post-event:

  • Write a blog post about your visit to our conference. Include images, video and text. We will then repost, retweet and reblog across all our online channels. Want some inspiration? Check out Inspire’s post-event blog, written by Chris Downing. Chris talks about his experience during our Shanghai conference earlier this year. 
  • You might not of had time during the event to get all the Twitter/LinkedIn accounts that you wanted. Therefore find out the firm they were from and then connect with them via Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook (Retweet their blog posts).
  • Share the stories and blogs of other members
  • Keep an eye on the main event hashtag for a few weeks after – the buzz will continue!

If you have any other questions please email [email protected] and our social media team will get back to you shortly.

To find out more about our social media management service, please view our services document here