Half have problems shopping online – England

Paul BeareFounder, Paul Beare Ltd

Nearly half (46 per cent) of adults who bought goods online in the last two years experienced problems with their orders, according to Which? research.

The most common problems were:

  • Late deliveries (19 per cent)
  • Faulty or damaged goods (13 per cent)
  • Goods failing to arrive (12 per cent).

The survey of over 2,000 UK adults found that 11 per cent had a delivery left outside their home without their permission. Four per cent reported extra or unexpected charges when shopping online.

The most frequently mentioned online stores that consumers had problems with were Amazon (34 per cent) and eBay (29 per cent).

The research also showed that shoppers are buying more online:

  • 47 per cent said they buy more clothes online than they did two years ago
  • 37 per cent buy more DVDs, games and CDs online
  • 33 per cent purchase more electrical goods.

Richard Lloyd, executive director at Which?, said:

“With people increasingly shopping online and millions experiencing problems with their purchases, it is vital that consumers know their rights on late deliveries and faulty products.”
