The Parliament thus authorized the Government to take by ordinance any measure, being able to enter into force, if necessary, as from March 12, 2020, relating to the field of the law:
- Adapting the deadlines and procedures applicable to the filing and processing of declarations and requests presented to administrative authorities, the deadlines and methods of consultation of the public or any body or authority, prior to the taking of a decision by an administrative authority and , where applicable, the time limits within which this decision may or must be taken or may arise as well as the time limits for completion by any person of controls, works and prescriptions of any kind imposed by laws and regulations, unless these do not result from a court decision;
- Adapting, interrupting, suspending or postponing the end of the periods provided for under penalty of nullity, lapse, foreclosure, prescription, unenforceability, forfeiture of a right, end of an authorization or authorization or cessation of a measure, to except for custodial measures and sanctions. These measures are made applicable from 12 March 2020 and cannot exceed by more than three months the end of the administrative police measures taken by the Government to slow the spread of the covid-19 epidemic;
- Adapting, for the sole purpose of limiting the spread of the covid-19 epidemic among those participating in the conduct and conduct of proceedings, the rules relating to territorial jurisdiction and to the formations of judgment of administrative courts and the judicial system as well as the rules relating to the periods of procedure and judgment, to the publicity of the hearings and their holding, to the use of videoconference before these jurisdictions and to the methods of referral to the jurisdiction and organization of the contradictory before the courts;
- Adapting, for the sole purpose of limiting the spread of the covid-19 epidemic among those taking part in these proceedings, the rules relating to the conduct of police custody, to allow the lawyer to intervene remotely and extend it of these measures for at most the legally prescribed duration without presentation of the person before the competent magistrate, and the rules relating to the conduct and duration of provisional detentions and house arrest under electronic surveillance, to allow the extension of time limits to investigation and hearing proceedings, for a period proportionate to that of ordinary law and not exceeding three months in tort and six months on appeal or in criminal matter, and the extension of these measures in view of the only written requisitions from the prosecution and written observations from the person and his lawyer;
- Adjusting for the sole purpose of limiting the spread of the covid-19 epidemic among those participating in or involved in these procedures, on the one hand, the rules relating to the execution and application of custodial sentences to relax the arrangements for the assignment of prisoners to penal establishments as well as the arrangements for the execution of the end of sentence and, on the other hand, the rules relating to the execution of placement measures and other educational measures taken in application of the Ordinance No. 45-174 of February 2, 1945 relating to delinquent children.