Extended self-isolation in Moscow, increased fees and support measures
The latest decree of the mayor of Moscow extends the term of self-isolation until May 1, 2020 and continues prohibiting work of most of the facilities that are open for the general public like restaurants, cafes, bars etc.
Companies whose activities are not officially shut down have a right to continue operations, however need to provide for remote-work capabilities and – according to the latest President’s decree – continue to pay full salary during the “non-working April” to those who continue working as well as to those who do not work.
However the latest Moscow major decree contains an important element of liberalization: employees, who cannot fulfill their responsibilities remotely and their presence at work is essential for maintaining the technological processes in the company apparently may return to their office working place.
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Not complying with the decree can cause a range of penalties both for the employers and employees. Moreover, the state Duma has additionally introduced a liability for spreading fake news on COVID 19. In order to find out more, click on the button below.
In the meantime, the Russian government started to implement its package of measures aimed to support small and medium-sized business. Click on the button below, to find out about all measures.