European Firms Earn more in China than Elsewhere

European Firms Earn more in China than Elsewhere And the trend is intensifying, heralding growing opportunities in China.

Two recent articles in the NZZ (Neue Zü rcher Zeitung) are implying that Swiss companies are not making profit and that EU companies are shifting their investments out of China. We feel it worthwhile to take a deeper look at the recently released 2012 EU Chamber Business Confidence Survey, which is the source of the statistics cited in the mentioned NZZ articles.

When analyzed, this survey provides very interesting insights of the business situation of EU companies in China. Besides, it corresponds to our experience, based on guiding numerous Swiss and EU companies to successful activities in China in the last 20 years.

Rather than a decline, this EU survey and other available data on Swiss companies unmistakably points to increasingly positive results of European companies in China over the years. 

We focus below on a couple of key indicators from the survey, which we analyze in light of our firsthand experience guiding hundreds of Swiss and European companies, now doing successful business in China
