Enactment of oral trials in commercial matters.

León Felipe Aguilar JiménezPartner, CAMYA

In accordance with section fifth of the decree that amends the transitory provisions in regard to the amendments to the Commercial Code issued and published in the Federal Official Gazette (January 25, 2017, amended on March 28, 2018), starting this January 26, 2020,  any commercial dispute to be filed before Commercial Courts in Mexico, shall be conducted through an oral trial.

It is important to emphasize that the enactment of oral trails is applicable to the following cases:

  1. Any commercial dispute with no statutory special procedure in which a determined sum is claimed, regardless of the amount.
  2. Executive commercial disputes that does not exceed the amount of $4’000,000.00 MXP (approximately $200,000.00 USD).

If the case must be conducted through a special procedure, the plaintiff shall comply with the applicable provisions to such regulation. In these cases, the procedure shall be carried out in a written form. Additionally, if an undetermined sum is claimed the case shall be conducted through an ordinary commercial trial in a written form.