Directors’ Duties and Responsibilities – First Trust Corporate Services

Who is a Director?

The Singapore Companies Act, Chapter 50 of Singapore (the “Act”) defines a
director as any person occupying the position of a director of a corporation by
whatever name called and includes a person in accordance with whose directions
or instructions the directors of a corporation are accustomed to act. This includes
alternate and substitute directors.

A company must have at least one director who is ordinarily resident in Singapore.
Being “ordinarily resident in Singapore” means the director’s usual place of
residence is in Singapore. A Singapore Citizen, Singapore Permanent Resident,
an EntrePass holder or an Employment Pass holder issued with such a pass to
work in the company concerned and who has a local residential address can be
accepted as a person who is ordinarily resident in Singapore.

With effect from 1 March 2009, any person aged 18 years and above may be
appointed as a director. However, certain individuals (e.g. bankrupts and persons
convicted of offences involving fraud or dishonesty) are disqualified from holding
director positions.

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