Developing a Road Map to Success: The importance of trusted advisers

Mike McNabPartner, DFK Oswin Griffiths Carlton

Driving your business forward

The economic environment is forever changing at a fast pace, with issues such as Brexit, the United States/China trade war and the possible slowdown in the world economy all having an impact in one way or another.

Recognition of how these factors will affect your current business and expansion plans is crucial, as is understanding whether your organisation has the right advisers, both local and/or overseas, to provide your organisation with the support it needs. It is also useful to ensure that you are maintaining current profit levels, are on track with future expansion targets and are empowering your organisation’s team to strive for a higher level of achievement.

This is something that is overlooked by most managers/owners, but is crucial to the economic and non-economic success of an organisation. Many organisations operate their businesses without an adequate plan and without the involvement of the right advisers.

Increasing the chances of success regardless of the economic environment

Having a business plan will provide a road map for success. The business plan will help an organisation to objectively analyse any business opportunity, isolate critical success factors and force the organisation to consider any threats. It will also confirm the demand for the organisation’s products/services and provide a detailed road map as to how the organisation will achieve its goals and targets.

Having a sound business plan is only part of the process and sourcing professional advice further enhances the plan. Not only will your business advisers help the organisation complete and implement the plan, but they will also help the organisation navigate through the maze of complex issues faced when expanding into a new region, developing a new business line or trying to increase their current market share within an existing market.

Many organisations prefer to have their business affairs managed by a trusted adviser, who can coordinate the management of the business, implementation plans and monitor progress. This then allows key management to focus on what is most important to the business:

• Obtaining new customers;
• Improving growth; and
• Creating value.

The trusted adviser’s role is to make sure that all of the components of the plan are moving in the same direction, providing constant feedback to management and using a variety of tools to monitor both economic and non-economic performance.

Our role

having a specialist adviser who understands both the local and overseas economic environments is critical to business performance. DFK Oswin Griffiths Carlton provides general accounting services such as acting as a virtual CFO, providing in-house accounting support, taxation advice and liaising with various government departments, such as the Inland Revenue.

We are heavily involved in working with our business clients in the areas of business performance and improvement by using a variety of tools to monitor financial and non-financial data. Working closely with our clients to provide timely feedback and analysis to be used by them to improve performance in all areas of their business.

Our goal is not only to provide feedback on performance, but to also work with our business clients to attain their goals, in accordance with their business plan, to increase the value of the business/return on investment for business owners and to benchmark business performance against the financial performance of similar businesses to gain a better understanding of overall performance and highlighting areas for improvement.

Our highly dedicated advisory team’s main focus is a business performance improvement. Working closely with our accounting services team we design and implement a performance plan that is specifically tailored for each organisation to reflect the key areas that management/owners would like to focus on.

Our accounting services team implements the processing part of the performance plan and ensure that the day to day action points is completed. The advisory team then monitors performance and reports to management/owners regarding this and works with them to drive their business forward.

Our focus as a trusted adviser is to work with clients helping them drive their business forward to achieve both their economic and non-economic goals and creating a long-lasting professional relationship.