De Lorenzo – Garin – Gosalbes, Abogados joins IR as the exclusive Civil Law Member in Spain

 International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Manuel de Lorenzo of De Lorenzo – Garin – Gosalbes, Abogados. Manuel has joined IR as our exclusive Civil Law Member in Spain.

Graduate in Law, Valencia University Law Faculty. Lawyer. Former Representative of the Valencia Bar Association Board. Director of the Valencia Arbitration Court. Associate Professor of Private International Law at the University of Valencia and the University CEU-Cardenal Herrera. Author of several publications and presentations, he has participated in several Masters, courses and conferences.

The firm was founded in Valencia in 1994, in accordance with the principles and objectives that continue to inspire our actions today. Since then, the firm has undergone a constant evolution and growth, diversifying the services offered and accumulating a solid experience. The firm maintains cooperation agreements with various professionals specialized in different fields and which allow for the provision of a comprehensive and multidisciplinary response to its clients.

Our professional actions are carried out in accordance with two essential principals: on the one hand, a careful and varied technical preparation, and on the other, a strict ethical commitment.

These principals are observed in order to achieve the highest degree possible of customer satisfaction whilst prioritizing trust and personal attention.

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Manuel directly or with the International Referral head office for an introduction.

[email protected]

[email protected]
