Customs Procedures in Vietnam Decoded
Following the relevant customs procedures when importing or exporting goods from Vietnam is one of the most vital aspects of doing business in a country where manufacturing costs are leveraged to its favor.
Goods to be imported or exported are subject to the relevant customs clearance standards, which effectively check the quality, specifications, quantity and volume of the goods. Currently, these standards are set out under Law No. 54/2014/QH13 on Customs as well as numerous implementing decrees and guiding circulars.
Following the standards set by the Vietnamese government, certain imported goods are subject to inspection . For example, imported pharmaceuticals must undergo testing and also include documents detailing product use, dosage and expiration dates (written in Vietnamese), which must also be included in or on the product packaging.
This is an exerpt from an article appearing in Vietnam Briefing, a subsidiary of Dezan Shira & Associates. For the latest economic, regulatory and business news from Vietnam, visit