Criminal defence team gives a seminar on competition and anti-corruption laws

Our Partner Felix Ng, Associates Timothy Wan and Christina Ma were invited by a Tokyo-listed company to give a seminar to its employees on the Competition Ordinance and the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance in Hong Kong.

The seminar outlined the core principles of the two legislations and illustrated examples of potential violations in employees’ daily work, followed by a comparative analysis of the investigation powers of the Competition Commission and the ICAC.

Practical tips were shared on how to avoid contraventions and the “do’s and don’ts” in handling investigations, dawn raids, Section 42 interviews with the Competition Commission and cautioned interviews with the ICAC.


For details of our Competition Law and Criminal Defence practices, please visit these pages:

Contributing Advisors

Myles CulmerDirector, BDO Advisory Services

Myles CulmerDirector, BDO Advisory Services