Covid-19: Spanish Government Approves Regulations For Reopening To Public Certain Shops And Services

Order SND/388/2020 of May 3 rd establishes the conditions for opening to the public of certain shops and services:

– Reopening of shops and commercial and service activities. All retail establishments and premises for professional service activities, whose activity has been suspended, may reopen to the public, except for those over 400 square metres inside shopping centres and parks or those shops inside the shopping centres without direct access to outside, provided that they meet several requirements: (i) prior appointment system without the possibility of waiting rooms in the establishments, (ii) individualized attention to the client guaranteeing the physical separation and (iii) preferential opening hours for those over 65 years of age.

– Hygiene and risk prevention measures at work. Establishments and premises open to public shall carry out a cleaning and disinfection of the facilities at least twice a day and observe other hygiene measures. Risk prevention measures for personnel serving in such establishments are also determined.

– Hotel and restaurant activities: may be carried out by means of home delivery services or picking up orders by customers in the corresponding establishments, consumption inside the establishments is prohibited. A preferential distribution system may be established for persons over 65 years of age, dependent persons or other groups more vulnerable to COVID-19. Likewise, the applicable hygiene and occupational risk prevention measures are determined.

The Order also determines the conditions under which professional and federated sports activity may be carried out:

– Professional and high-level sportsmen and women. They can train individually in the open air within the province in which they reside. The other federated sportsmen and women may carry out training within the hours set out in the regulation.

– Athletes belonging to professional leagues: they may train at the club or sports entity to which they belong, strictly complying with hygiene and social distancing measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The Spanish government, through Order TMA/384/2020, of May 3rd, also states instructions on the use of masks in the different means of transport and sets the requirements to guarantee safe mobility: thus, it establishes the obligatory use of masks that cover nose and mouth for all users of bus, rail, air and sea transport, and sets the conditions for the occupation of vehicles in land transport.

May 2020

The information contained in this note should not be considered in itself as specific advice on the subject under discussion, but only as a first approximation to the subject matter, and it is therefore advisable that the recipients of this note obtain professional advice on their particular case before adopting specific measures or actions.

Contributing Advisors

Mireia BlanchPartner, Bufete B. Buigas