COVID-19 | Important Notice

Dear Clients,

Please note that VDMA will be working remotely during the period of the lockdown as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We have put measures in place to ensure that our staff are fully equipped to work remotely and all our clients are welcome to contact our offices as per usual.

All our clients’ matters are important to us and we will continue to attend to all matters as far as possible. Please however note that a large portion of matters involves other parties, lawyers and organs of state. Therefore there may be a delay in finalising a matter as a result of other companies being closed and where we have limited access to the other parties involved in a matter. We will, however, continue to keep you updated regarding the progress of your matters.

We are also available to assist you and your business with any legal issues which you may face during these challenging times.

We wish our clients all the best during this period and we will keep you updated as matters progress.