Luis G. Santine Jr.Partner, InfoCapital N.V. Advisory & Management

The development of Curaçao in the Information Technology field is of crucial importance to our social and economic development as an autonomous nation. We of the Curaçao Information & Communication Association are convinced of the possibilities and the opportunities our island has to offer and it is our belief that we could create a position for ourselves among the developed nations by transforming our economy into a Knowledge and Digital economy.

Knowledge as a tool to enable the people of Curaçao to create their own future and earn a decent living for themselves and their family. With the “It’s a Community Tool” we want to get into the community and the local business sectors, promoting and enhancing the importance of IT in our daily activities.

Designing and improving our quality of life is a matter of courage and perseverance. It is not about solving a problem or dealing with the daily challenges without meditating on the priorities of a society. Curaçao has always been a standard for development in the Caribbean. Knowing our past and the exciting future ahead of us in the vulnerable but resilient Caribbean we of CICA are expecting a diversity of creativity implemented by our local technology companies together with their global partners.

Dependence on technology based solutions nowadays is the heartbeat of a nation. We of the association have always been aware of the developments taking place and their consequences for the way we communicate, create and collaborate with one another in the coming

Communication is key to opening doors but it is also a key to “lock” unwanted actions and reactions from other parties. A beautiful island like Curaçao has always catered for different languages starting from the native indians Caiqutos and Arawaks who managed on the
island with simple ways to communicate. Nowadays it is up to us to be skilled and to manage the coding languages that will deliver value added applications and solutions that will honor our past and enhance our future.

Cities are collaborating and sharing knowledge with each other. Collecting and sharing data in a safe environment is worthwhile and we have data to share in Curaçao and in the Caribbean. Exploring and researching Caribbean data will produce significant results for scientist and developers of future solutions. With a diaspora spread worldwide, we are able to provide our partners with a marketplace of uniqueness and diversity. Discipline combined with critical behavior can transform our nations into important knowledge sharing centers evaluated by renowned scientists. We must share best practices and measure their value according to global requirements and make sure that Curaçao and the Caribbean will be trustworthy partners for the future of mankind and its habitat.

Raymond Jamanika
Chairman • Curaçao Information and Communication