Luis G. Santine Jr.Partner, InfoCapital N.V. Advisory & Management

CDI is committed to remain true to its core to assist in paving the way to a new era of economic growth and prosperity for the island of Curaçao. It is in this role that CDI has been matching small and medium businesses with the appropriate resources so they can reach their next level.

Small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) play a key role when it comes to innovation. Especially in small nation states, it is one of the areas where great innovative ideas are developed. Not only that, they are the group that more easily adopt innovation of third parties. CDI is convinced that entrepreneurs and SMEs will play a key role in the future of innovation and technology in Curaçao and is committed to continue to provide support to this group. CDI firmly believes that in Curaçao, with the appropriate support, SMEs can apply technological innovation that will contribute to the growth of the economy. As a development institute we therefore put great emphasis on technological innovation and lend support to new initiatives in the creative sector.

CDI is committed to the entrepreneurs and SMEs that are shaping the future of Curaçao in the area of technology and innovation. It does so by assisting primarily in helping to take entrepreneurs and business startups to the next level through its various programs
and initiatives. One way in which CDI does this is through the Business Boost programs.

Business Boost aims to help create resilient SMEs managed by knowledgeable leaders with the right mind-set to continuously improve and innovate, to grow their business and hence contribute to the local economy by creating jobs, substituting imports and ultimately becoming able to export their product or service. Business Boost is an incentive based program that focuses on capacity building to help entrepreneurs upgrade and professionalize their organization through innovative business solutions and the effective use of technology.

Furthermore, CDI works in close cooperation with organizations like CINEX, CiTi and Present Your Startup to promote innovation and technological advancement among the new breed of entrepreneurs. Through the use of app development, SMEs are encouraged to help create new business opportunities and improve operational processes. The organization also works to create new and alternative sources for access to finance through its initiatives related to micro lending programs and a new fundraising platform.

CDI is optimistic about the future of SMEs in Curaçao and the impact they will have on innovation and technological advancement in the economy of Curaçao.

This optimism is based on our vision on technology and innovation and our commitment to the new breed of entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs in Curaçao.

Luis Santine
Interim Managing Director • Curaçao Development Institute