Australia setting itself for a British Invasion

Exclusive analysis of data from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection reveals we are set to receive 290,000 immigrants from the United Kingdom this decade – more double the arrivals from the 90s.

The data also reveals different waves in which countries have arrived in Australia, with Italians peaking in the 50s, the Vietnamese in the 80s and Indian and Chinese migrants since the turn of the century.

But this decade will be the largest number of UK migrants since the 1970s, when more than 400,000 arrived on our shores.

“The numbers don’t surprise me,” said Alistair Thomson, professor of International Studies at Monash University.

According to Professor Thomson, Britons are often attracted to Australia’s idyllic quality.

“When things get tough economically, their numbers always pick up. The UK has struggled since the global financial crisis and Australia escaping relatively unharmed makes us attractive,” he said.


“People are coming out of UK universities and struggling to find work. Australia not only provides jobs, but an adventure.”
