Mauro Rubino-SammartanoPartner, LawFed BRSA
+39 02 4819041 / +39 02 7707500
Commercial Arbitration in Italy
Viale Cassiodoro, 3 I-20145 Milano, Milan
LawFed BRSA is a nationwide law firm acting through some partners also in tax advising. BRSA is for Bianchi Rubino-Sammartano & Associati. It belongs to the LawFed group of firms which aims at covering the Mediterranean and the Middle East. It is involved in domestic litigation, international litigation and arbitration, and negotiations in the field of contracts, construction law, mergers and acquisitions, sales of goods and joint ventures, using English, German, French and Spanish. It represents large national and multinational corporations as well as foreign Governments and public companies. It has a network of correspondents in a great number of jurisdictions.
Its assistance to Italian Clients abroad and to foreign Clients in Italy has given LawFed the advantage of understanding much more the needs and psychology of Clients in transnational and international disputes.
The firm has been active through its construction group in large international construction projects like dams and highways in Africa, Middle East, Asia and Europe and through its corporate group in corporate matters such as in mergers and dismissals, in multi fora disputes, in joint ventures and corporate litigation.
The firm has argued, inter alia, the applicability to stock acquisitions of warranties for sales of goods as to the value of the sold company, the ambit of guarantees on demand, the engineer’s role in construction contracts, the right of a party not to perform if the opposite party has not performed (or if the latter’s financial conditions have become difficult) and in general the full right of a party to call evidence and to examine witnesses without undue interference.
The firm is frequently involved in the elaboration and implementation of strategies in negotiations or disputes, which involve various jurisdictions and forms teams to this effect including counsel in each of such jurisdictions.
The firm’s arbitration group is much involved in arbitration and mediation. Apart from appointments as arbitrator, its Counsel act as advocate in arbitral proceedings, in the enforcement of awards and in challenges of awards.
Aside from that, this includes lecturing and writing on arbitration and mediation.
Firm’s members publish on arbitration and construction, such as Mauro Rubino-Sammartano, whose main works are International Arbitration : Law and Practice (3rdEdition, Juris 2014), Il Diritto dell’Arbitrato (Arbitration Law, 6th Edition, Cedam, 2010), and Appalti di Opere e Contratti di Servizi (Construction Law and Contracts for Services, Cedam 2006).
The tax group advises on tax planning and problems, its impact on contracts and negotiations and represents clients in tax disputes.
Show more +Mauro Rubino-Sammartano chairs the European Court of Arbitration and is the Immediate Past Chairman of the IBA Mediation Committee.
He is an arbitrator, litigator and counsel in business law, in particular in contract law and construction.
He is admitted to the bar in Italy and Paris and is a door tenant of a barristers’ Set of Chambers in London.
He is a Senior and Name Partner of LawFed BRSA (Bianchi Rubino-Sammartano & Associati).
He has tought international arbitration at the Universities of Padua and Milan.
He writes extensively on arbitration (see International Arbitration Law and Practice, 3rdEdition, Juris 2014) and regularly lectures on it.
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