Julio Cury Inteligencia Legal joins IR as the exclusive Administrative Law Member in the Dominican Republic

Dr. Julio CuryManaging Partner, Julio Cury Inteligencia Legal

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Dr. Julio Cury of Julio Cury Inteligencia Legal. Julio has joined IR as our exclusive Administrative Law Member in the Dominican Republic.

Recognized and highly respected work sustained by professionalism, skills and ethics is the pride of this law firm founded in 1949 by Dr. Jottin Cury, who consecrated his life to the practice of law.

Subsequently, Dr. Julio Cury was entrusted to preserve the professional ethics and commitment of its founder on his objective to resolve the inevitable differences of human coexistence, without ever harming the concept of justice.

Our firm relies on a team of experienced lawyers specialized in the major disciplines of administrative law, offering its legal expertise to both public and private sector clients. Our mission is to assume the responsibility of transforming our knowledge into assets that will act in favour of our clients.

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Julio directly or with the IR Global head office for an introduction.

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