Updated Statement from Harrison Law, PLLC

Matthew HarrisonPartner, Harrison Law, PLLC

During this unprecedented time, we at Harrison Law, PLLC, are committed to our individual and business clients along with the business community as a whole regarding staying safe and keeping informed.

Throughout this entire period, our firm has remained open during its normal business hours.  Since the “Stay at Home” order from the State of Arizona will expire May 15th, we are now allowed to conduct in-person appointments.  These appointments will only occur if all the participants are physically well, clients will not bring other personal (or family members) to the meeting, and the appointments will be limited in size.  For those circumstances where individuals would still prefer to meet via telephone or internet video conference, both options remain available.

Regarding use of telephone and video conferencing, we already upgraded our capabilities in this area before the health event occurred.  As such, it has been business as usual for our pre-existing clients.   The only difference was some staff members were working remotely from their homes.   Since some of our staff have school-related needs even after the restrictions are lifted, they may be working remotely until the end of May.  As such, there may be a slight delay in certain staff responding to telephone calls, messages, and emails.

For prospective clients, we understand that this period may have brought some uncertainty to your lives and potentially your business.  You may now be seeking legal representation and counsel of an attorney to address certain issues for the first time.  As a result, we opened blocks of time during this period where we were able to have a telephonic of video conference initial meeting/consultation with a prospective client.  This option will remain available if it is not feasible to meet in person at the firm.

We plan to keep our social media updated on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/harrison-law and at also our website https://harrisonlawaz.com.   Updates will include both posts and articles on steps businesses and individuals can take in this current situation.  General inquires to the firm by prospective clients can be sent to [email protected].  We monitor these inquiries and usually respond within the business day.

Continue to stay safe and in the meantime we’ll do our best to keep you informed and updated.