Possible Claims to Swiss Banks for Incorrectly Charged Commissions

Javier CanosaPartner, Canosa Abogados

We provide our clients and friends with information that may be important for those who have or have had money invested in a bank or financial company in Switzerland during the last 10 years.


Together with a Swiss strategic partner, a Swiss specialist who can enforce and enforce legitimate financial claims against financial institutions and companies, we are supporting national and international clients for the recovery of commissions (retrocessions) against banks and management companies in Switzerland.

These Swiss institutions must pay incorrectly withheld funds to their clients for several million. Many clients are not yet aware of the possibility of making claims, which will expire in a short period of time if they are not activated, without any risk of incurring costs. Estimates by industry experts estimate that in Switzerland, banks owe about the US $ 3-5 billion to their customers. We are working on a system based 100% on success fee or success fee.

Despite the legal situation, recovery is complex given that banks and asset managers in Switzerland try to block applications, they get rid of investors who try explanations (which we know). It is likely that the inexperienced investor, far from his country desists for lack of result and also have to pay high costs for legal services.

Swiss banks and asset managers would receive hidden sales commissions (retrocessions) for equivalent amounts between 0.5 and 2% of suppliers of products for the sale of funds, structured products, bonds, etc. This business practice behind investors’ backs gave Swiss financial institutions very important gains in sales and maintenance fees, which effectively belong to customers.

This generated a conflict of interest that arises after these banks received commissions, we reiterate, hidden, regardless of performance, so they are controversial. We, together with our Swiss partners, provide services on the exclusive basis of success, so investor risk is reduced to zero.


These debts have an expiration period of ten years in favour of the Swiss financial institutions.

There are numerous judicial decisions that support the viability of retrocessions.

For any questions and/or extension of this report please contact Edgar Castro [email protected] Telephone + 54 11 5252 2462