Hatstone South Africa advises on major virtual healthcare services deal

Calum McKenzieDirector, Hatstone Trust Company (BVI) Limited

Hatstone Lawyers Incorporated recently advised an industry-leading IT company in the successful conclusion of an agreement for the supply of virtual healthcare services in collaboration with one of the largest pharmaceutical retailers in South Africa.

The service which is set to roll out nationally towards mid-2019 will allow patients to interface with a healthcare professional remotely via live video and specialised digital medical equipment from the premises of the pharmaceutical retailer’s clinic.

It allows for patient treatment without the need for in-person consultation with a healthcare professional and is aimed at medical conditions requiring simple treatment methods.

Menko Hoeksema, Director of Hatstone Lawyers Incorporated, highlighted that the new service will be “a pioneering integration of medical services and technology”.

We are proud to have played a role in setting up a platform which will make simple healthcare more accessible and more affordable.