How to Plan a Supply Chain Shift to Vietnam: 3 Guiding Factors

Alberto VettorettiManaging Partner, Dezan Shira & Associates

Global supply chain networks have been disrupted since the US-China trade war began in January 2018, prompting several foreign investors to look for manufacturing alternatives. Vietnam Briefing highlights three key steps if planning a supply chain shift to Vietnam.

Vietnam is not without its share of challenges. In the short-term, manufacturers may find the production shift daunting as supply chains have to realign. Companies often struggle to decide what to relocate, how they plan to enter the Vietnamese market, and where they will establish operations within the country.

Those that understand these issues will have a leg-up over their competition in the immediate term, but they will also make more informed decision that will position their operations for success over the their first few years of in-country business operations.

The relocation process should be split into three steps:

  1. Choose production elements to relocate

  2. Pick your entry strategy

  3. Identify an optimal location for investment

To read more about how to plan a supply chain shift to Vietnam, follow the link below.


This is an exerpt from an article appearing in Vietnam Briefing, a subsidiary of Dezan Shira & Associates. For the latest economic, regulatory and business news from Vietnam, visit 
