The original of a public deed/certificate is to be produced in electronic form in future. The electronic documents will continue to be kept securely in a new national register of documents to be created. At its meeting on 30 January 2019, the Federal Council sent the corresponding Federal Act on the Creation of Electronic Public Documents and Electronic Authentications (EÖBG) for consultation.
According to applicable law, originals of public deeds/certificates must be drawn up as paper documents. The Federal Council is now proposing that the original of a deed/certificate be created in electronic form in future. It goes without saying that such an electronic deed/certificate can still be produced on paper if required. With the introduction of the electronic original, a national register for electronic public deeds/certificates will be created at the same time. The register is operated by the Federal government, the deeds/certificates stored there are kept safe from unauthorised access. In addition, the certificates/deeds in the register remain legible in the long term and any forgeries are easy to prove. The Federal Council has sent the new Federal Act on the Creation of Electronic Public Deeds and Electronic Authentications for consultation (meaning everyone is entitled to submit input to the government). It will last until 8 May 2019.
With this step, Switzerland will hopefully make a huge progress away from the traditional paper nation to a more digitalized nation.
If you are interested in learning more about such progress please do not hesitate and contact me.
Diego Benz