Building a better world – Curaçao

Luis G. Santine Jr.Partner, InfoCapital N.V. Advisory & Management

With innovation and technology as catalyst tools, major impacts on traditional and new sectors can be achieved.

The first step in unlocking this potential is to create a willingness to change, to drive for excellence, renew our way of thinking and work together. We need to motivate the new initiatives of Curaçao’s creative minds by establishing our own start up eco-system that will innovate and change Curaçao.

Digital transformation

The cultivation and the further expansion of existing sectors, such as the international financial services sector in Curaçao is only possible if we leverage our position, adapt new technologies and truly innovate our (financial) services. Digital transformation is needed to capitalize the power of technology to revisit business models and create essential (new) user experiences. Developing Curaçao as a regional center of excellence for regulated financial services in the global digital economy will attract (new) global investors thanks to the ample and solid legal protection in Curaçao. We need to push the development of Fintech and Cryptocurrency-use forward. Not only regulation is needed, but we need to start thinking about providing Fintech startups with incentives to operate their business from Curaçao. This will help to develop Curaçao as the center of excellence.

Innovation must be a priority

Oil refining activities have been an important pillar of the economy of Curaçao for decades. The infrastructure of the upgrading refinery and new LNG terminal can be used as a hub for oil & gas across the region. New technologies in combination with our local industry knowledge and infrastructure makes a transition possible to less pollution.

Our abundance in wind and sun can be used to reach the greatest potential of renewable energy. We could produce our own clean power, reduce costs, reduce our carbon footprint and for example drive electric cars. The impact this will have on our economy will be incredible, but also on our nature, above and under our pristine waters. A clean, ecofriendly island, with beautiful beaches and corals will attract tourists from all over the world to our year round sunny and warm (outside the regular hurricane belt) island.

Use of innovation and technology can attract specific tourists. Today’s empowered customers demand more choice, different products and better service. New forms of hospitality, using technology, like data-analytics will give the possibility to deliver products and services that comply with specific customer needs.