Gordon Law Of Counsel

Aviva Y. GordonPartner, Gordon Law

Seasons change . . . what else changes?
Although we are still solidly in triple digits, fall is upon us. For me, this fall brings a monumental change. My oldest daughter started college and is turning eighteen. As a result, the time has come for me to revise my family trust. Anytime things change in your business or family, you should consider updating your estate plan.
For example, changes in your personal life require a review of your estate plan. Have you recently married? Gotten divorced? Had a child?
Changes in your assets also require a review of your estate plan. If you have a trust, have you ensured that all your assets have been properly placed in the trust?
Finally, changes in your business require a review of your estate plan. If you have a partner or partners, you must make sure that your estate is properly represented in your business.
If you don’t have an estate plan, it’s not too late. If you do have one, make sure you revise it to address the changes in your life and circumstances.
All people should have an estate plan. Aretha Franklin and Prince recently died without them. Read HERE to see how you should take their royal example of what not to do.
Gordon Law has other changes in store. In December, we’ll be moving our offices to Henderson. Henderson is my home and the center of my community. I’m privileged to serve as a board member on the Henderson Chamber of Commerce; a trustee on the Henderson Community Foundation and a board member on the Henderson Library Foundation. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be bringing my office home to Henderson. Stay tuned for more information concerning this exciting transition.