Company Establishment in China Wholly Foreigner Owned Enterprises

China has traditionally had very good trade and investment
relations with many regions of the world, and the world continues
to take a great interest in China’s economy.

The investment conditions for foreign firms in China are excellent,
and there is a large potential that remains to be tapped. The
China economy is the driving force in the Asia. China stands for
an open and transparent economic policy at the heart of Asia.
Foreign companies in China are granted the same access to
public institutions and funding as China firms and can make use
of highly skilled labor and a good infrastructure. In addition, they
have access to the whole China market.

The Guide is a very good means for foreign enterprises to get
some first information about mergers and acquisitions. Ministry of
Commerce of the People’s Republic of China ( MOFCOM ),
provides active support to foreign investors for projects in China.
MOFCOM works hand in hand with associations, business
promotion companies and policy makers to help foreign firms
enter the China market. MOFCOM offers a broad range of
information and advice on individual sectors, taxation, legislation
to companies that want to expand their business activities to the
China market.

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