Spot Contabil joins IR as the exclusive Tax (Accountants) Member in Brazil

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Rodrigo Tancredi of Spot Contabil. Rodrigo has joined IR as our exclusive exclusive Tax (Accountants) Member in Brazil.


“Spot Contabil is a firm that provides accounting, consulting, outsourcing and forensic accounting services to national and international businesses. Established in 2011, one of our main goals is to help small and medium businesses to grow sustainably and internationally.

Our key members are qualified accountants with extensive experience acquired from many years working for “Big 4” multinational accounting firms. This background allows us to apply custom made, cost effective, optimized methodologies and management processes for supporting our clients.

We understand the role of Information Technology and its importance for businesses. In this context we are experienced and able to deliver integrated solutions which enhance organizational performance, enabling effective growth for our clients within the segments in which we operate.

Our values are based on principles of ethics, integrity and accountability, all to give piece of mind to those who choose us as a partner. Our service is personalized, without barriers or obstacles to access decision makers; we have a flexible and dynamic structure, ensuring that our clients are always informed about matters of their interest and have their requests addressed as soon as we identify them.

At Spot Contábil our clients get what they need through valuable services provided by experienced professionals. In this way, we seek to maintain long-term relationship with all of them, since this is what guarantees trust and credibility to both parties.”

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Rodrigo directly or with the IR Global head office for an introduction.

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