Fraud in a New Jersey Union

Do you know who Ann Twomey is, and what she is alleged to have done? No matter how you feel about unions conceptually, and no matter what you think about the very top union representatives and their true intentions, one thing is for certain: private sector unions are made up of largely hard working, blue collar American men and women who are just trying to do their best to support their families in dignity. Steel workers in Ohio, auto plant mechanics in Michigan, flight attendants in Illinois, or nurses in New Jersey, they are hard-working members of an enormously productive U.S. work force.

Their hard work may explain why corruption within a union feels so much worse than any of the supposed Ponzi Schemes that a very small number of errant Wall Street workers oversee, or that are manufactured by a hysterical media ever eager to demonize finance. Somewhere deep inside we find it harder to cry for some hypothetical fat cat investor done wrong, even though true financial fraud hurts a lot more people in society than union corruption.


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