Inspire: Supporting Charities – Warren Munson (Managing Director) completed a 500 mile cycle ride for charity last week

On the 29th September a group of 9 cyclists continue the journey round Europe with a 5-day route from France down through Italy to raise money for Boo. The riders cover all the costs of running this event so 100% of the donations received (plus any gift aid) will go directly to the projects they run in Kenya. This year we are following a route from Nice down to Rome, tackling the ‘Col de la Madone’; training zone of many a Tour de France challenger, on the way. You can follow our journey at

To give you an understanding of the undertaking, that’s approximately

  • 500 miles
  • 40 hours in the saddle
  • 30,000 calories burnt
  • 30 litres of fluid lost

The team have clocked up 1,000’s of hours of training, some 20,000 miles. Fitter and leaner than ever, they are set to take on this challenge with grit, speed and determination like never before.

We really appreciate all your support and thank you for any donations to support this great cause.

Boo Charity provides ‘Opportunity not Just Charity’ to children in Kenya via academic and life skills training. Through the ‘Seed of Hope’ schools; these have been operating for the past 14 years and bridge support from babies all the way through to young adults; 1000’s of young people have been given the opportunity to sustain life without charitable need.

The charity runs with 100% voluntary support and no overheads, therefore we guarantee all of your donations going direct to providing babies & children with opportunity.
