Drafting Effective International Contracts: Workshop-seminar on International Sales, Agency and Distributorship Contracts Munich, Germany – Sept. 9-10, 2016



Drafting Effective International Contracts: Workshop-seminar on International Sales, Agency and Distributorship Contracts

Munich, Germany – Sept. 9-10, 2016




The workshop-seminar on drafting effective international contracts organised by UIA in Munich will focus on three types of contracts more commonly used by those who approach a foreign market: sales, commercial agency, distributorship.


The seminar intends to give the participants a clear overview of the basic principles governing international contracts, together with a practical discussion and exercise on the implementation of such principles through clear and effective contractual clauses.


A group of highly qualified international practitioners has been selected.


The participants will receive in advance the materials and the examples of clauses which will be discussed during the seminar.


The main arguments discussed during the seminar will be:


International sales contracts. Why and how to apply the CISG. General conditions of sale and negotiation of the respective clauses. Clauses regarding delivery. Incoterms. Non conformity. Limitation of liability. Arbitration. Choice of court agreement under EU Regulation 1215/2012.


Agency and distribution contracts. Protection of agents in the EU. Exclusivity and non-competition clauses. Recent trends in goodwill indemnity. EU antitrust rules. Internet sales


Download the programme here.

